Nick Command Issues


Staff & Community Manager
Staff member
There's a few issues about the nick system that I've found and I'm not sure if you guys know about it.

1 - If a user is nicked, they keep the position in tab based on their previous rank. So if a Moderator and a Helper is online and the Moderator nicks, the nicked moderator goes above the Helper as a normal rank. It's basically just a massive giveaway that it's a nick and what rank they are.

2 - You can see a leaderboard users nick. If a leaderboard player nicks you can see on the leaderboard what their nick is, and it is also very glitched when it goes on the leaderboard. It goes in white instead of gray and it writes the nickname twice. For example: #4 dopexD dopexD --- It fixes itself eventually after some time. I'd also like to add when it fixes itself, it says the users normal rank and then the nick. Example: [Owner] dopexD | Gyazo

3 - You can tab a nicked users normal username. I found BedlessNoob nicked as dopexD, but I can tab their normal username BedlessNoob. Gyazo

Nothing big but I'd assume people prefer to nick to hide their usernames and stuff, so it can be inconvenient.