MLG Rush - Cheater


Staff & Community Manager
Staff member
I played a few games of MLG Rush and had vsed this guy: ahmedodex_YT

They would hit me and yet fail to hit me off and then their head would snap, at a 180 degrees turn and hit me another 2-3 times. I said nice, at first not thinking anything of it being cheats till they instantly assumed I was hackusating them, they started saying that they were "cleared by Zackaria" stating that Zack said he isn't cheating. This seemed like a pretty quick panic response but they could've just misunderstood the situation.

After that game, I spent a few games spectating him and he literally snaps his head onto players, it seems as though they toggle though because they aren't always snapping, mainly when ever they are in trouble.

Clip 1: YouTube
Clip 2: YouTube
Clip 3: YouTube

I have other clips although they aren't as easy to notice due to human error, which is why I haven't posted them. I either had a bad view or I was zooming in/out which would've been unfair to say they were cheating with those clips.

They could be a very laggy player although they literally snapped their head on multiple occasions the exact same way, and seemed to have fine ping most of the matches.

Also, when I vsed them they didn't seem to have any bad ping.

I couldn't get anymore clips from what I've got currently because after a while they just kept getting kicked from the server.


Staff & Community Manager
Staff member
I also noticed in the third clip, after snapping to the guy, once they're out of reach their head snaps back to a similar position previous to the initial first snap.


Thank you for reporting this. I have sent a message to the other staff members to review the video.