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  1. J

    Flying in prision

    Hello koulkzid, Thank you for submitting this bug report. Fortunately, we are aware of this bug and requires a simple restart on the prison's server to take effect. But we appreciate you regardless for submitting this. Sincerely, JoshIsChill
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    Ban this kid for ( suicide encouragement)

    Hello koulkzid, First off, I would recommend submitting this in Second off, the user in the attachment has been punished accordingly for their actions, thank you for the report. If you need any more assistance or have any questions or concerns...
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    vote bug

    Hello huetner, I apologize for the issue you came across, thank you for reporting this. I would like to ask, is this a consistent bug that happens? Or has this happened only once or very rarely?
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    You are able to crash many servers with this

    Hello ytendx, Thank you for submitting this bug report. I apologize for any inconveniences you may have come across with this issue. I will be submitting/forwarding this to our development team for this vulnerability to be take care of. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more...
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    I bought a multiplier and its gone

    That is almost likely the possibility. I'll contact a higher positioning staff member about this.
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    Someone stole my pickaxe.

    Hello kStreqk, I apologize for the inconvenience of your situation, could you provide me any evidence of this player stealing/interfering with your trade? Sincerely, JoshIsChill
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    Pickaxe Not Recieved

    Hello MIS000, I apologize for the inconvenience of your purchase, I would like to first ask if this issue has been resolved? Please reply to this thread as soon as possible. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more assistance please contact me or another member of our staff team...
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    I bought a multiplier and its gone

    Hello koulkzid, Unfortunately, if the payment was processed and you did receive the multiplier but it disappeared. There isn't much I can do without evidence of you losing the multiplier. Do you know if you purchased it and received it before a server restart?
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    Is that normal?

    Hmm, that's odd. I apologize for that. Maybe try re-appealing if you are able to? (Depends on the circumstances of your ban)
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    I bought a multiplier and its gone

    Hello koulkzid, I apologize for the inconvenience of your purchase, if this is still a problem and your payment has not been processed please contact me or another member of our staff team. Sincerely, JoshIsChill
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    Hello koulkzid, Please refer to the last forums post you made in Purchase Support. It's easier for us staff to locate it, instead of there being duplicated posts. Thank you. Sincerely, JoshIsChill []
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    I got scammed

    Hello Mrperson900, I apologize for this inconvenience, could you provide any video evidence or proof of this if possible?
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    I personally really enjoy the Prismarine map, some may disagree with my statement but in the end it all depends on preference.
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    Hello Lifeguardings, I would like to inform you that this player report has been taken care of and the player has been punished accordingly for their actions. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more assistance. Please contact me or another member of our staff team. Sincerely...
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    Hello Lifeguardings, I would like to inform you that this player report has been taken care of and the player has been punished accordingly for their actions. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more assistance. Please contact me or another member of our staff team. Sincerely...
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    Is that normal?

    You should be able to view your own ban appeal.
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    Hello koulkzid, After further investigation of your incident, your mute is justified and will NOT be lowered. If you run into instances where players are encouraging this type of behavior, screenshot it and send it to a staff member or report it as soon as possible. Sincerely, JoshIsChill
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    what can I use as proof in my ban apeal?

    Hello Normal_daz0, You have already made a forum post about this and has been replied to, please refer to this link below as it has been responded to and taken care of. [] Sincerely, JoshIsChill
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    i got banned cuz my ping is too high

    Hello Normal_daz0, I apologize for the late response, a thorough investigation was taken place and you were found to be clear. I would like to inform you that your unban request has been ACCEPTED and you are now unbanned. I apologize for any inconveniences you came across trying to process your...
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    unfair ban

    Hello nxuz, I apologize for the late response, a thorough investigation was taken place and you were found to be clear. I would like to inform you that your unban request has been ACCEPTED and you are now unbanned. I apologize for any inconveniences you came across trying to process your unban...