They're pretty much stars or level points, they don't really have to be in game ranks! That would just be asking for too much.
Having stars or some type of leveling system ✅
Having ingame ranks because you're just good at the game ⭕
So I'm Neutral
Good Idea, I believe that the staff team should focus on the mini bugs on the server instead of working on something completely new!
It's a great idea, I just feel like it's way too early.
Great observation!
Yes, I was!! Usually, people do not remember that!
Here are the staff teams I was in!
Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Moderator
Player Base: 1000 - 2000
Staff Rank: Moderator
Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Helper/Support
Player Base: 300...
I would say that's insufficient proof to ban.
You should record them cheating(if you can) which is much better than chat logs.
And also that player is already banned, thanks for the report!