You are able to crash many servers with this


New member
As far as you noticed you are or were able to crash many of your servers. Its cause of the plugin Multiverse.
It has an Issue in its command context that is lagging the server. You could basically fix that issue if you update Multiverse
to the latest version, dont use Multiverse or block this command ('/multiverse-core:mv ^(.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.++)$^\n')


Retired Staff Member
Hello ytendx,

Thank you for submitting this bug report. I apologize for any inconveniences you may have come across with this issue. I will be submitting/forwarding this to our development team for this vulnerability to be take care of. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more assistance please contact me or another member of our staff team.

UPDATE: I have received word from the upper management team stating that this has been patched, regardless. Thank you for your report.

Last edited:
Hello ytendx,

Thank you for submitting this bug report. I apologize for any inconveniences you may have come across with this issue. I will be submitting/forwarding this to our development team for this vulnerability to be take care of. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any more assistance please contact me or another member of our staff team.

UPDATE: I have received word from the upper management team stating that this has been patched, regardless. Thank you for your report.

i accidentally crashed MLG rush 1 with it ://///