FFA Updates!

FFA (free for all) UPDATE: Bug fixes, new features and TONS more!

Good morning! We've been working extremely hard to bring you all a fresh, clean update to our FFA mode! These include many bug fixes, quality of life updates, etc.

  • Mob Royale update which makes the bosses interactive with abilities and messages.
  • Mob Royale event is longer now, giving you more time to kill the boss, and mobs.
  • Addition of Double XP event.
  • Added two new maps (Bedwars & Western)
  • Brought old map (Street) back into the rotation, removed Japan, Space, Nether.
  • Added a few more special items (bridge egg, popup towers, web bombs, more) and every item has been entirely recoded.
  • Added KDR to stats hologram
  • Added a Balance top FFA leaderboard.
  • Added AFK zone, located at spawn which gives you 100XP per hour for literally AFKing.
  • Added AFK zone leaderboard.
  • Adding commands to check player coins easily, other players AFK times etc. (/coins username -- /afktime username)
  • Added hearts at the end of kill messages
  • Added moving holograms around the player which says what their bounty is.

Bug Fixes:
  • Makes it so players cannot be knocked off spawn with projectiles.
  • Nicknames fixed. (Except for tab, still working, but works in chat, leaderboard, etc.)
  • Nickname exposing fixed. (Tabbing)
  • Critical and minor bugs that will not be mentioned.
  • No longer spawns two crates at the exact same time.

  • New spawn area
  • Giant now respawns if thrown into the void, instead of just dying off.
  • Added player position under leaderboard. e.g: (#234. [OWNER] Zackaria - 2 Killstreak)
  • TNTs no longer require sneaking to throw.
  • Leaderboard updates a bit less often now, which will optimize things better.
  • New animations for both power ups, and lootboxes.
  • Changed Level prefixes, looks much cleaner.
  • New Tier prefix (Tier 20+)
  • Added the amount of items you get in shop to the item's name, instead of just going off what the ICON/item had.
  • New, cleaner messages from FFA.
  • Shows your rank color in the chat messages now (e.g: kills, deaths, streaks.)

Hoping you all enjoy this update!

Play now: play.bridger.land