
New member
In fastbriger idk if this is a bug but whenever u get to end and step on pressure plates u get sent back to your island right but once u do u can't place a block for like 2-3 seconds


New member
Also in Reduce clutch someetimes when u reduce and get nhit off and go into void sometimes when u respawn the reduce bot hits u before u hit it


Retired Staff Member
Hello, I recommend reporting this incident in the #bugs channel on the official BridgerLand discord server due to their being high demand of current bug reports on the server/forums. You can join the discord server here. Make sure to go through the verification process and you should be able to see a text channel labeled #bugs. Report your incident there and describe the incident and put as much detail as you can, and if you have any evidence of the incident whatsoever make sure to also include that.


Staff & Community Manager
Staff member
In fastbriger idk if this is a bug but whenever u get to end and step on pressure plates u get sent back to your island right but once u do u can't place a block for like 2-3 seconds
Thank you for the bug-report! :) I'll forward it to the Admins.