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  1. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    Player Chat Report

    Lmao xD
  2. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    Player Chat Report

    Yë xĎ
  3. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    Player Chat Report

  4. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    Player Chat Report

  5. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    Player Chat Report

    sIeepcallss was toxic in the chat because I was winning in an MLG Rush game. I just dont understand why people are like that. I don't get salty for that kind of stuff, I only get salty when someone is hacking in a game. Here is screenshot proof:
  6. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT


    Aight ty for the advice!
  7. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT


    Ik and I feel bad that I did it back to him but he was just... I just can't explain.
  8. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT


    Ik cos he was toxic
  9. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT


    This guy is hoping I die. Here's a screenshot proof. Please do what you need to do staff. He is just so toxic and please enable reporting offline players!
  10. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    YouTube Rank Requirements

    Get a good streaming software and stream very often
  11. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    YouTube Rank Requirements

    I have 102 and I know that 8k is hard but there is still a lot of time
  12. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    YouTube Rank Requirements

    It did thank you!
  13. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    YouTube Rank Requirements

    Aight let 8k be it. It's a perfect amount! I like the system here. Thank you for telling me the requirements
  14. ItsWazzaPPlaysYT

    YouTube Rank Requirements

    I just wanted to ask what are the requirements for youtube rank